Chapters and Exercises

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

HTML Online Resources:


Chapter 4: Applying CSS Styles to Webpages

Chapter Objectives:

  • Explain the importance of separating design from content
  • Describe Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Define inline, embedded, and external styles and their order of precedence
  • Describe a CSS rule and its syntax
  • Explain the difference between a selector, property, and value
  • Create styles that use text and color properties
  • Explain the difference between inline and block content
  • Describe the CSS box model and how to apply margins, padding, and borders
  • Create an external style sheet and link it to an HTML page
  • Create styles that use padding, border, and margin properties
  • Float an image
  • Create styles that use list properties
  • Add comments to an external style sheet
  • Validate a CSS file

Chapter 4: PowerPoint