Web Objectives

1103- Use master slides, templates, and/or themes.

1107- Incorporate elements from other sources into a multimedia project.

1110- Deliver a multimedia presentation.

1402- Demonstrate effective client presentation skills in an effort to gain business through the exploration and utilization of various business formats, technologies, and environments.

1516- Examine emerging trends in website design.

Responsive Design Research Presentation


Part of understanding responsive web design is understanding the current and past landscape of web design. It’s also important that future web designers are able to talk about responsive web design, demonstrate their process and understand key terminology (aka developer talk). For this assignment, you’ll explore one of the following websites and create a presentation to share with the class based in your research.


Many web designers are open about their processes and have documented them in an article or podcast. Pick a company from below and listen and read the interviews about the responsive project.  After doing some quick research, you and a partner will put together a 5-7 minute summary for the class that covers the following in a PowerPoint or Prezi Presentation:

  1. Goals For Going Responsive: Introduce the website and describe the problems were they trying to solve by going responsive?
  2. Redesign Process: What process and technologies did they use to design and develop the website? Was the design done in house or through an outside agency?
  3. Demo: Show the class some representative pages and how they display at different screen sizes. Tell us what you think works well and what could be improved.
  4. Favorite Pattern + Code: Tell us a pattern used on the website that you think is effective any why. Show the code used to create this pattern using the browser’s Inspector tool.

Other than summarizing the questions above, follow the requirements below.


  • Visuals
  • At least 10 slides
  • 5-7 Minutes in length
  • Title slide (Your Name and Company Researched)

Research Options

The link included with each website is a starting point. There may be other information available from other sources to help inform your research.

Assessment Rubric

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Points

10 Points

All of the written requirements (# of slides, length, structure, etc.) were met. Presentation was on time. Almost all of the written requirements were met. Presentation was 1 day late. Most of the written requirements were met. Presentation was 2 days late. Many requirements were not met. Presentation was 3 or more days late.

5 Points

The presentation showed an array of work from the company in an interesting fashion. The presentation had visuals that represented the company. The presentation had some visuals that represented the company. The presentation lacked visuals and were uninteresting.

5 Points

The sequence of information is logical and intuitive. All information is clear and direct. The sequence of information is logical. Most of the information is clear and direct. The sequence of information is somewhat logical. The information is confusing and flawed. The sequence of information is not logical. The information is confusing and wrong.

10 Points

The presentation includes details about each of the four goals. The presenter is able to demonstrate how their research is reflected in the final product. The class presumably would gain valuable insight from the presentation. The presentation includes the required parts, but could have used more detail and research in order to back up their findings. The class learned a few things. The presentation is missing one or more of the required parts and could have used more detail and research in order to back up their findings. The class learns a few things, but not anything they couldn’t have learned via Google. The presentation is missing one or more of the required parts, and the presenter is not familiar with their website they were assigned. The presentation does not give the class very much insight into the process or inform the class of anything new.

10 Points

The presenter is well-prepared and familiar with their assigned website and demonstrated the ability to answer all questions from the class. Presentation is given in a professional manner. The presenter is prepared and familiar with their assigned website and demonstrated the ability to answer some questions from the class. Presentation is given in a professional manner. The presenter is prepared with their assigned website and could not answer questions from the class. Presentation is given in a unprofessional manner. The presenter is not prepared and familiar with their assigned website and demonstrated no ability to answer questions from the class. Presentation is given in an  unprofessional manner.

5 Points

Author makes virtually no errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation that distract the reader from the content. Author makes few errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation that distract the reader from the content. Author makes some errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation that distract the reader from the content. Author makes excessive errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation that distract the reader from the content.
Time Management

5 Points

Student always use classroom project time well. Conversations are focused on the project and things needed to get the work done and are held in a manner that does not disrupt others. Student used most of the classroom project time well. Conversations are primarily focused on the project and things needed to get the work done and are held in a manner that typically does not disrupt others. Student used some of the classroom project time well. Most of the conversations were not focused on the assignment at hand. Student did not use classroom project time well. Conversations were not focused on the assignment at hand.
Total 50 Pts ____/50