Chapter 4: Creating Transitions
Chapter Objectives
- How to apply a mask to a layer
- Create shape layers
- Animate mask layers
- Creating transparency within layers
Using the provided After Effects file create an Intro Motion Graphic for the Web Design and Interactive Media Program.
- Look at the example below.
- Download the After Effects file in the Google Share Drive.
- The file contains footage as well as the Web Design and Interactive Media Logo.
- Create a 20 second long Intro Video that uses the Logo as well as added text that says “@ Middle Bucks”. Use the Custom Transition effects you learned about in the Tutorials as well as Masks.
- Add whatever other creative component to make it stand out. -Experiment with transform properties as well as animating text.
- Save the file as AE_Ch4Ex(YourInitials).
- Once you have expanded on this exercise, Render the video as a file called AE_Ch4Ex(YourInitials), and place it in the Shared Drive for grading.
Grading (10 Pts)
- The file has all of the required components
- The exercise is submitted on time
- The exercise contains custom transitions
- Creativity is considered
- You expanded on the exercises ideas
- The file was rendered correctly- including the correct file name