Setting Project Requirements
1.1 | Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for preparing rich animated media. |
1.2 | Summarize how designers make decisions about the type of content to include in a project, including considerations such as copyright, project fit, permissions, and licensing. |
1.3 | Demonstrate knowledge of project management tasks and responsibilities. |
1.4 | Communicate with others (such as peers and clients) about design plans. |
Understanding Rich Animated Media
2.1 | Understand key terminology related to rich animated media design. |
2.2 | Demonstrate knowledge of basic design principles and best practices employed in the interactive media design industry, such as symmetry, consistency, and accessibility. |
2.3 | Demonstrate knowledge of typography and its use in visual design. |
2.4 | Demonstrate knowledge of ActionScript 3.0, JavaScript for HTML5 Canvas and WebGL platforms. |
Understanding Adobe Animate CC
3.1 | Identify elements of the Animate interface and demonstrate knowledge of their functions, including Panels, the Timeline, the Property Inspector, and Document Properties dialog. |
3.2 | Define the functions of commonly used tools, including selection tools, the Pen tool, other drawing tools, and shape tools. |
3.3 | Navigate, organize, and customize the workspace. |
3.4 | Use design tools in the interface, such as rulers and guides. |
3.5 | Use the Motion Editor. |
3.6 | Demonstrate knowledge of layers and masks. |
3.7 | Understand symbols and the Library. |
Creating Rich Animated Media Content Using Animate CC
4.1 | Create a new project. |
4.2 | Import and modify graphics. |
4.3 | Create static, dynamic and input text and adjust text properties. |
4.4 | Work with symbols and instances. |
4.5 | Create animations (changes in shape, position, size, color, and transparency). |
4.6 | Add simple controls through ActionScript 3.0, JavaScript for HTML5 Canvas and WebGL. |
4.7 | Create masks. |
4.8 | Import and use sound. |
4.9 | Add and export video. |
Testing, Publishing, and Evaluating Rich Animated Media Elements Using Animate CC
5.1 | Conduct basic technical and usability tests. |
5.2 | Understand Animate file types and file sizes. |
5.3 | Make an Animate document accessible. |
5.4 | Publish and export Animate documents |