Chapter 3: CSS Basics

Goals for this Lesson

  • CSS (cascading style sheets) terms and terminology
  • The difference between HTML and CSS formatting
  • How to write CSS rules by hand
  • How to use the CSS Designer panel
  • How to format your HTML text and structural elements



  • Insert inline styles to a webpage.
  • Create and style an external stylesheet.


  1. Open Dreamweaver and be sure to work within your Web Design and Interactive Media website from Chapter 2 Exercise. The Web Design folder on the desktop should be the Local Site Folder.
  2. Open the index.html file.
  3. In the first paragraph make the words: “exciting program of study” bold and italic by using the properties tab.
  4. Create an inline style to the word: “Certifications” (the h3 for the second paragraph) that changes the color of the text to #4A7ABE. Hint: use the properties tab.
  5. Create a new CSS file and name it syles.css
  6. Create a style that centers the header tag.
  7. Create a style that affects the nav ul to have:
    1. list-style-type: none;
    2. margin: 0;
    3. padding: 0;
    4. overflow-x: hidden;
  8. Create a style that affects the nav ul li to have:
    1. float:left;
  9. Create a style that affects the nav ul li a to have:
    1. display: block;
    2. padding: 16px;
    3. text-align: center;
  10. Create a style for the footer that centers it, gives it a background color of: #4A7ABE, and changes the text color to white.
  11. Create a style for the nav that gives it a background color of: #4A7ABE.
  12. In the style you created for the nav ul li a add a style that changes the text color to white and gives a text decoration to none.
  13. Create a style for the main that gives it a width of 90%, margin of auto, and padding of 10px.
  14. Create a style for the body and give it a background color of your choice!
  15. Create a style for the p tag that changes the font to a font of your choice.
  16. Create a style for the h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 that changes the font to a font of your choice!
  17. Save your work! File > Save All.
  18. Attach the existing CSS file that you just created to the existing about.html and contact.html page.
  19. Save your work and Preview it! File > Save All.
  20. Submit the root folder that you named: Web Design into the shared drive.

Example Image

Resource Video