Chapter 8: Interactivity

Goals for this Lesson

  • Use Dreamweaver behaviors to create an image rollover effect
  • Insert an Accordion widget



  1. Download the file needed here.  Create a new site for the project in Dreamweaver: Call the site: Ch 8 Exercise. Be sure to link the root folder and the images folder.
  2. Open the index.html file in Dreamweaver.
  3. In the empty p tag below the heading that says “See Our Students” insert the students1.jpg image.  Be sure to give it alt text.  Give it a width of 100% and delete the height so it spans the width of the entire container.
  4. Give the newly inserted image an id of students1
  5. You will now create a behavior so that when you hover over the heading “See Our Students” a new image will appear and then disapear to the original image when your mouse in not hovering over the heading:
    1. In code view, select the heading “See Our Students” and open the Behaviors Panel
    2. Add a Swap Image Behavior – Make sure Students1 is selected as the image and browse to select the new image Students2.jpg -Be sure Preload image is selected.
    3. Now the image should swap to the new image when you hover over the heading – test it out!
  6. When the cursor moves away from the text, the original image doesn’t return. The reason is simple: You didn’t tell it to return. To bring back the original image, you have to add another command—Swap Image Restore—to the same element:
    1. In code view, be sure the heading “See Our Students” is elected and the Behaviors Panel is open.
    2. Add the Behavior: Swap Image Restore – Now the heading will swap images as you hover and it will return back to the original image when you are not hovering.
  7. Save your work.
  8. Open the about.html file.
  9. Insert a jQuery Accordion in the main tag.
  10. Change the Section 1 heading to say: Level 100, Change the Section 2 heading to say: Level 200, Change the Section 3 heading to say: Level 300
  11. Change the Level 100 content to say (in a bulleted list):
    • Design Principles
    • Design Elements
    • Intro to Web Design
    • Adobe Photoshop
    • HTML and CSS
  12. Change the Level 200 content to say (in a bulleted list):
    • Adobe Illustrator
    • Adobe Dreamweaver
    • Adobe Animate
    • Copyright
    • Resume Writing
  13. Change the Level 300 content to say (in a bulleted list):
    • WordPress
    • Adobe After Effects
    • Portfolio
    • Google Analytics
    • Advanced HTML and CSS
    • Capstone Project
  14. In the stylesheet, change the width of the accordion to be 75% of the main, centered on the page (margin: auto), and margin on the top and bottom of 40px.
  15. In the stylesheet change the Accordion header colors, borders, and icon to match the colors of the site.
  16. Save the file.
  17. Open contact.html
  18. In the main insert the computer.jpg image.  Be sure to give it alt text.  Give it a width of 100% and delete the height so it spans the width of the entire container.
  19. On the newly inserted image, insert a Behavior Effect of your choice – the behavior should occur OnClick. (Test it out to make sure it works!)
  20. Save all the files.
  21. Submit the Ch8Exercise folder in the Shared Drive. It should include the CSS, Images, and html files in order to work properly.
Chapter 8 Example

Example Image

Resource Video