Chapters & Exercises

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Photoshop Online Resources:

Chapter 15: Printing 3D Files

You will understand how the three dimensions (width, height, and depth) work together in space, and how to manipulate those dimensions using Photoshop’s 3D tools. You will also be familiar with the 3D panel, and should be able to work with the Properties panel and on-image widgets comfortably.

Goals for this Lesson

  • Create a simple 3D object using a mesh preset.
  • Use 3D tools in Photoshop.
  • Manipulate 3D objects.
  • Adjust the camera view.
  • Prepare 3D files for printing.
  • Export a file for remote printing.



Not optimizing images properly results in extremely slow loading time. When you intend to publish your images online, you have to compromise the quality. Optimizing your images for the web means saving or compiling your images in a web friendly format depending on what the image contains so they load fast and look great.

In this exercise students will convert the image files provided to Web appropriate formats, color spaces and sizes.

  • Use the save for web command
  • Optimize images for the web

Grading (5 Points)

  • You met the minimum requirements of the project assignment, as outlined in the instructions and submission requirements.
  • You did not comprise the quality of the image when reducing it.
  • Did you save the file appropriately?
  • Is the exercise submitted on time?


Download exercise files here.

  1. Open the horse.psd file in Photoshop.
  2. Notice that the file size of the image is 3.91MB.
  3. We want to optimize the image for the web and because it is a photographic image save it as a .jpg
  4. In order to reduce the file size, go to the Save For Web command.
  5. use the .JPG file format and change the Width of the image size to 500px.
  6. Play with the setting to get the image to be UNDER 100K, by reducing the quality.
  7. When satisfied and your image is UNDER 100K save the file as Ch15Ex1_(YourInitials).jpg.
  8. Open the ducky.tif file in Photoshop.
  9. Notice that the file size of the image is 800KB.
  10. We want to optimize the image for the web and because it has transparency and lots of colors we want to save it as a .png.
  11. In order to reduce the file size, go to the Save For Web command.
  12. use the .PNG24 file format and change the Width of the image size to 300px.
  13. The image should now be UNDER 100K, because we reduced the size.
  14. When satisfied and your image is UNDER 100K save the file as Ch15Ex2_(YourInitials).png.
  15. Open the BOBlogo.psd file in Photoshop.
  16. Notice that the file size of the image is 2.32MB.
  17. We want to optimize the image for the web and because it has transparency save it as a .png.
  18. In order to reduce the file size, go to the Save For Web command.
  19. use the .PNG file format, but which one?  Does it have a lot of colors where you would need to use PNG24 or limited colors where you could use PNG8? (You decide)
  20. Reduce the width of the image size to 500px.
  21. Play with the settings to get the image to be UNDER 15K, by reducing the colors.
  22. When satisfied and your image is UNDER 15 save the file as Ch15Ex3_(YourInitials).png.
  23. Submit all three files in the Network Drive.