Chapter 8: Vector Drawing Techniques
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to use the Pen tool to draw both straight and curved paths, know how to select and deselect a path, and be able to use a path as a selection. You should also understand the difference between vector and raster artwork.
Goals for this Lesson
- Differentiate between bitmap and vector graphics.
- Draw straight and curved paths using the Pen tool.
- Save paths.
- Draw and edit shape layers.
- Draw custom shapes.
- Import and edit a Smart Object from Adobe Illustrator.
- Use Smart Guides.
Exercise 1
In this project, you will use the pen tool and its features to create custom shapes.
Grading (5 Points)
- You met the minimum requirements of the project assignment, as outlined in the instructions and submission requirements.
- You made clean paths to recreate the shapes.
- You created custom shapes with color.
- Did you save the file appropriately?
- Is the exercise submitted on time?
- Download the file here.
- Open pentool.jpg in Photoshop.
- Create a new layer.
- On the new layer you created use the pen tool to precisely trace a shape path one shape at a time.
- As you trace each shape, create a named custom shape for each shape.
- Apply a color fill color of your choice to each shape.
- Save the file as a .psd, with all layers intact.
- Submit the file in the network drive in a folder named Chapter8Ex1_(YourInitials).
Bitmap images are based on a grid of dots known as
Graphics that are made up of mathematical lines and curves are called
An outline of a vector shape is called a
The _____ tool helps to draw and create paths.
If you want a path to have a fill or stroke you have to create it as a
_____ are layers that you can edit in Photoshop nondestructively.
Smart Objects